Course introduction
Hello and welcome to this course! My name is Anthony Gore and I'll be your instructor.
In this first video, I'm going to be introducing you to the course and its contents.
Before we begin, I want to make you aware that this course is a continuation from my previous course Full-Stack Vue + Node.
It doesn't matter if you haven't done that course, but, you do need to be aware that I'm going to use the same project and source from that course.
Now if you were planning to do that course, I recommend you do it first and then come back to this one, as that would just be a more logical order.
With that said, let's now take a look at the contents of this course.
Module 1 - Automated browser testing with Nightwatch
In the first module we'll be implementing automated browser testing, also known as end-to-end testing.
To do this, we'll use the Nightwatch JavaScript framework which automates browser actions like clicking buttons, filling in forms, and so on.
We'll begin with an introduction to Nightwatch and its key features and concepts
We'll then write end-to-end tests for our app's main uses cases like logging in, adding an item to the cart, and so on.
We'll also learn how to make our tests run automatically through headless Chrome.
Module 2 - Frontend unit testing with Jest and Vue Test Utils
In module 2, we'll learn how to unit test a Vue client app. The key tools we'll use are Jest and Vue Test Utils.
We'll begin this module with an introduction to using Jest as a frontend test runner. Then, we'll create our first component unit tests using Vue Test Utils.
Next we'll learn the most important testing patterns for Vue unit tests and use these to write a frontend test suite.
On the way we'll also learn important testing concepts like mocks, stubs, and spies.
Module 3 - Continuous Deployment of a full-stack Vue app
In the third and final module, we'll be deploying our app using continuous deployment.
We'll begin with an introduction to GitLab CI, and see how it allows us to create a robust deployment pipeline.
We'll then configure GitLabCI to create a build of our app in a cloud-based virtual machine and automatically run our test.
Finally, we'll integrate Heroku into the pipeline so that if our tests pass, our code can get pushed to Heroku and the app will be updated.
Source code
As I mentioned, this course is a continuation from my previous course Full-Stack Vue + Node.
The source for that course is the same source code we'll be using for this course. Rather than repeat the installation instructions, I'm going to direct you to watch videos 2, 3, and 4 from that course which cover that. I'll put the link to that in the course notes.
I'm going to assume you've watched those and have the correct environment and source code installed on your computer.
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