Course overview
In this video we're going take a quick look at the various modules included in this course.
1. Getting started with Vue CLI
In module 1, we're going to learn about Vue CLI, which is a project scaffolding tool that lets you quickly set up a Vue project with best-practice development tools and configuration straight out of the box.
2. Composing with components
Next, we'll learn about one of the most important concepts of Vue.js, and of modern web app development, which is components.
We'll see how components let us extend basic HTML elements to allow for code reuse and for a more scalable app architecture.
3. Single-file Components
In the third module, we'll take a look at single-file components which provide a really convenient way of declaring Vue.s components that's made possible by development tools like Vue CLI.
4. Using Vue Router & slots
After that, we'll learn about Vue Router which allows us to make a JavaScript app with multiple views without having to reload the page from the the server.
We'll also learn about slots which are another mechanism Vue provides to make components even more reusable and flexible.
5. Designing responsive UI widget
In module five, we'll be putting many of the things we've learned in the previous modules into practice in order to build a special UI feature that will be an important piece in our case-study app design.
6. Custom directives and plugins
Finally, in the last module of this course, we'll be adding a "tooltip" feature to the app using by making a custom directive which we'll create as a reusable plugin.
So that's a high-level look at the topics we'll be covering in this course. In the next video, we'll be taking a look at the case-study project you're going to be building, which is Vue.js Cinema.
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