Issue #100 - Vue 2.6.0-beta1, What the Tick is nextTick?, First Adventures with Nuxt, and moreView this issue onlineWelcome to issue #100 of the Vue.js Developers Newsletter! It's hard to believe 100 weeks have gone by since I started this. Vue has certainly come a long way since then; version 2.2 was released in the week of the first issue, while this week sees the release of version 2.6.0-beta1. The Vue community come a long way, too. Looking back at the articles I'd selected for the first few issues, the quality (and quantity) has definitely picked up since then! It's interesting to think where Vue will be in another 100 weeks... Anyway, the new features of version 2.6.0-beta1 include compiler error output improvements, a new build utilizing native ES modules in the browser, and a new API method Vue.observable() for explicitly creating observable objects. Also, a new Vue RFC has been posted. The proposal is to change the scoped slots syntax. What do you think? P.S. I'm curious...has anyone been reading since issue #1? Our latest Vue.js articleVue is a simple, elegant framework, but it also contains some advanced methods and features. nextTick() is one of those, and in this post, we explore what's its purpose is and how to use it. 6 Must-Read Links From This WeekThis article documents the rebuild of a web application written with Express and Vue with Nuxt.js. The idea was to have both server and client-side rendering handled in the one place by the same framework. If you've adopted TypeScript to help avoid errors in your code, you'll want to read this article which explains how to use TS with Nuxt.js 2.3 and beyond. Most users these days expect to see a preview of the image they’ve chosen to upload before clicking the upload button. If you want to have a custom solution for your app, here’s how you can do that in Vue. For UX purposes, it makes sense to keep your forms consistent across a website. This article explains how to reuse form elements in a Vue project, as well as pre-populate data in inputs. NW.js is a framework for building desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is an alternative to Electron and Vuido. Here's a tutorial for using Vue and NW.js to build a weather forecast desktop app. Here's a cool project from prolific Vue open source developer Egoist. This one provides zero-runtime CSS-in-JS for Vue single-file components. SponsoredBuild stunning applications with the #1 Vue Material framework. Want a fun and powerful introduction to Vue 2? Take this FREE 2-hour video course to learn the basic features and build a real VueJS web app. This book, written for Laravel developers who want to learn and master Vue, provides a detailed guide to full-stack development with these technologies, emphasizing design principles and best practices. Want your sponsored link or post in the next issue? Reply to this email to ask about rates! Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. Until next week, Anthony Gore, curator Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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