Vue 3 will introduce built-in support for authoring components as native ES2015 classes. An RFC regarding the API has been launched for community consideration.
The constructor design pattern allows you to create multiple object instances which share some common functionalities and are created by the same interface. See how InventiStudio uses this pattern in their Vue apps for better code consistency.
Vue 3 will provide the ability to trace when and why a component re-render is tracked or triggered. This article talks about what we can do now in Vue 2.x to trace reactivity and tune stray code that might impact performance.
There are elements of the Vue framework that are more sophisticated than others, and take a bit more brainpower to understand. One of these areas is scoped slots. Here's a nice guide to understanding how they work.
Testing is a vital part of the development cycle. This article covers the basics of testing Vue components with unit, snapshot, and E2E testing with Jest and Nightwatch.
React hooks are the most important evolution of the framework since its inception. But are hooks taking React down a path that is no longer true to its original vision?
This book, written for Laravel developers who want to learn and master Vue, provides a detailed guide to full-stack development with these technologies, emphasizing design principles and best practices.
Special thanks to our senior Patreon sponsors Vue School.
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