Issue #111 - Distributed Vue.js Applications, Code Sharing with NativeScript-Vue, PortalVue 2.0 Released, and moreView this issue onlineSponsoredAccelebrate offers effective in-person training in Vue.js. Our expert instructors will come to your office to provide engaging, hands-on training for less than the cost of a public class. Check out our latest program. 7 Must-Read Links From This WeekWhen your user has seen a page, navigates out and comes back, you don’t want to reload the content if the session hasn't ended. Here's a way to save bandwidth by caching pages using Vue, Vue Router and the keep-alive component. Check out the brand new NativeScript-Vue CLI plugin that enables sharing between web and mobile in a really painless fashion. This article shows you how to add the plugin via Vue UI and start scaffolding a new code-shared project. Nuxt.js and Contentful can be used to quickly create a sophisticated blog site. Nuxt is great for providing server-side rendering, which is important for SEO, while Contentful helps the blogger keep their content organized. Are you trying to integrate server-side rendering into an existing Laravel/Vue application? This post covers the main issues the author ran into and will provide some tips along the way. Check out Portal Vue by Vue contributor Linus Borg. Version 2 has introduced source and target registration, duplicate checks, a MountingPortal component, and several performance improvements. Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation. Using Storybook with plain Vue is no hassle, but it’s another story with Nuxt. This article provides a robust tutorial for those who want to start using Storybook with Nuxt. In this article by Markus Oberlehner, you'll see how to use the Vue CLI to generate a component library which can be dynamically loaded via HTTP from a content and component distribution server. Want your sponsored link or post in the next issue? Reply to this email to ask about rates! Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. Until next week, Anthony Gore, curator Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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