Newsletter Issue #124View this issue onlineSponsoredStudio 3T gives you full visualisation of your data and all the tools you need to access it, query it, edit it in-place, build aggregations and more. “Studio 3T saves me 10 hours a week,” says Pierre Folens at Orange. Download your free trial. ArticlesThis is not another “setting up TypeScript with Vue” post. Instead, it gets into more complex topics like component and Vuex typings, API calls, testing etc. A must-read if you're considering TS for a serious Vue project. This project,, provides Python bindings for Vue.js. Its goal is to provide a solution to write fully-featured Vue applications in pure Python. The concept of the Quasar framework, which has just had it's first stable 1.0 release, is to be a comprehensive set of components used to construct modern apps, all based on Vue.js. Find out what's in it for you. In this talk from JSConf.Asia 2019, Vue author Evan You discusses how the design choices of the major frameworks have affected their adoption and growth, and why there might not be an optimal balance point. The author of this article has migrated an app from Vuetify to Quasar. He was able to achieve the same UI, while the visual performance and SEO were improved. Find out how he did it. Functional components provide a way to improve the rendering performance of large scale Vue.js applications, but with a few caveats. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to pass classes, attributes and event listeners to functional Vue.js components. VueFront is a quick and simple way of turning your WordPress site into a single-page PWA using Vue.js. Learn more about it and how to get started with it in this brief article. SponsoredTake the new Developer Economics survey, answer a few questions about tools, platforms, and technologies for a chance to win cool prizes! Special thanks to my senior Patreon sponsors Vue School. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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