Newsletter Issue #138View this issue onlineAt the heart of all large-scale Vue.js applications is a Vuex store that holds the data. In this blog post, you'll see some of the best practices for architecting state management in a complex Vue.js app. In this talk from the recent Vue.js London conference, Jason Yu demonstrates the new Vue 3 Composition API by live-coding a web-based piano keyboard. This article discusses an architectural pattern for a multi-platform Vue app including a separate web app, desktop app, mobile app, etc. This GitHub repo from Vue core team member Linus Borg features a Vue.js app demonstrating various use cases for the new composition API. SponsoredFaunaDB is a serverless database with a native GraphQL API. With fast global access, built-in auth, and no connection overheads, FaunaDB makes it easy to add state to your apps. Get started now with the industry’s most generous free data tier! Here's a guide to combining three powerful web technologies - Nuxt, TypeScript, and Apollo, explaining the challenges you'll come up against. It’s hard to imagine a modern web app without SVG graphics in the form of icons, logos and other elements of the user interface. This article covers the latest best practices for managing SVG graphics with Vue. In this article, you'll learn to create a generic and reusable structure for a traditional CRUD application using Vue. This is achieved by dynamically registering Vuex modules and Vue Router routes. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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