Newsletter Issue #145View this issue onlineReducing the total size of network requests speeds up page load time for users. This can be achieved in Vue apps by optimizing the Webpack bundle. Learn how. What is the best way to structure a Vue app folder? This article compares business and technical domains as a basis for structuring enterprise Vue apps. In this week's episode of Full Stack Radio the host talks with Evan You about the changes and improvements coming in Vue.js 3. Here are 20 modules from the Nuxt community that you should know about if you want to increase your productivity while developing Nuxt apps. SponsoredCalling all developers to contribute to the Developer Economics Survey! Answer questions on your favourite tools, languages and platforms. You could win a Surface Pro 6, iPhone 11 & more prizes and up to $1,000 in cash. Start here In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Vue in a WordPress site. The tutorial is meant for those who have coded in WordPress and Vue or are interested in either one. The new Composition API has no context object. Learn how to use this.$emit, this.$attrs and other component instance properties with the new API. The combination of Vue.js and Tailwind stands out as technology for helping us achieve great results quickly and efficiently. In this tutorial, you'll learn to build animated draggable interfaces using these frameworks. SponsoredIn this post, we explore Vue components through useful examples and explain why they’re essential to Vue devs. Components make you more efficient, start learning with this tutorial! In this article, Alexander Lichter (core Nuxt.js member) teaches you how to load third-party scripts in your Nuxt.js application. Both globally and on individual pages. Special thanks to my senior Patreon sponsors Snipcart. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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