Newsletter Issue #150View this issue onlineSponsoredVueconf.US is in Austin TX, March 2-4. Kicked off by framework creator Evan You's keynote, an update of all things Vue 3.0 & beyond. The program includes workshops and talks from core team members & community experts. Attendees will also have the chance to submit Lightning talks See interesting visualizations of how developers from around the world rate tools in the JavaScript ecosystem including Vue. vue-apollo is the official integration of the GraphQL Apollo client for Vue.js. In addition to the existing API, version 4 includes a composables option based on the new Vue Composition API. If a user clicks a button, submits a form, or even just moves their mouse, you can get your Vue site to respond by using the events system. A good article for beginners. JavaScript is a single-threaded language, meaning you cannot normally execute two statements at the exact same time. See how to adapt a Vuex store into off main-thread architecture. Will 2020 be the year you incorporate TypeScript into your stack web dev stack? In this video, you'll see how to use TypeScript and Vue with and look at the class component architecture. This article explains a system for loading API data only when it is needed, similar to GraphQL but utilizing REST and Vue.observable(). Vue Keep-Alive components can increase speed and cache a component's state. See how easy they are to use by adding a wrapper around a dynamic component. SponsoredThird-party libraries are the main factor influencing bundle size of Vue applications. Learn how to use Webpack bundle analyzer and Bundlephobie to optimize your bundle. Special thanks to my senior Patreon sponsors Snipcart. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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