Newsletter Issue #303View and discuss this issue onlineThis article contains a curated list of Awesome browser related composable. From handling clipboard operations to media controls, this list is sure to provide you with handy VueUse Composables to quickly add browser functionality to your Vue.js apps. This is the first article in a series dedicated to showing you how to use Prisma to manage your databases in your Nuxt 3 app. This article will look at a pattern for adding dynamic returns to composables. We’ll understand when to use this pattern, how to implement it, and look at some examples of the pattern in use. Are you tired of writing bloated and hard-to-read code and looking to elevate your coding skills and make your code more readable and concise? Look no further! In this article, I’ll dive into the world of ES6 destructuring and show you how to use it to write cleaner and more efficient code. Reactivity is one of the key features that make Vue.js a powerful framework for building interactive and dynamic web applications. It allows developers to declaratively define relationships between data and the UI, ensuring that changes in data are automatically reflected in the UI and vice versa. This article will explore the concept of reactivity in Vue 3, discussing the reactivity model, reactive data, computed properties, and reactivity caveats. In this video, learn how to create a Vue.js powered ChatGPT clone with OpenAI. This video is part of Vue.js Forge Episode 3. A must-watch if you are looking to learn about creating Vue.js AI tools. Google Chrome extensions are programs you can install in your Chrome browser to help you automate certain functions in your browser, modify existing behaviors, and improve your software's convenience. Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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