Newsletter Issue #311View and discuss this issue onlinePinia is the undisputed state management champion in the Vue 3 world. It provides a more powerful and scalable architecture with an elegant code style following the composition API syntax. This article provides a guide to unit testing your pinia stores. TipTap is an open source, headless, framework agnostic content editor that allows you the flexibility to integrate it seamlessly into your application. Follow along as this blogpost demonstrates how to create a clean, reusable, rich-content editor Vue component! A great advantage of this Vue.js’ modularity is the ability to reuse components across different projects, applications, and even teams. In this post, we’ll learn how to leverage modern tools like bit to easily share Vue components between projects, without having to split repos, refactor or configure anything. Awesome Giveaways up for grabs in Episode 4 of Vue.js Forge. From exclusive discounts on Vue School and Mastering Nuxt Courses to Giftcards from Conference sponsors. An opportunity you shouldn’t miss. GitHub Actions, developed by GitHub, are scripts containing YAML code. These scripts help automate development workflow by a series of custom tasks (actions) directly on GitHub repositories. This article focuses on using GitHub actions to automate deploying your Nuxt sites on either Vercel or Netlify One of the reasons why Nuxt is thriving is because of its vibrant community. Lots of amazing people building and sharing amazing knowledge and tools. This article will highlight a few people in the Nuxt community that are worth following to learn more about Nuxt and to stay connected with what’s going on in the community and ecosystem  Vue.js Forge Episode 4, powered by Kadena, starts today! In the 4th edition of this 2-day, hackathon-style event, get the opportunity to build a Decentralized Kickstarter Clone with Web 3 as you network with Vue.js developers and enthusiasts from all over the world. Lots of prizes are up for grabs as well. Register for free. The Nuxt-image module is a powerful image optimization tool. It has the ability to resize and transform your images to increase page performance using a built-in optimizer. This post will look at how to add an image download feature to your Nuxt app while exploring this awesome module. Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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