Newsletter Issue #318View and discuss this issue onlineIn this blogpost from the creator of Pinia, discover 5 exclusive tips for using Pinia in your Vue.js Application. In this tutorial, we will create a chrome extension that displays a random quote using VueJS and Webpack from scratch without any extension boilerplate. Web Transitions API is a new API that gives us a better way of creating animated transitions between different DOM states while also updating the DOM contents in a single step. This article provides a guide on how to create stunning webpage transition with the new View Transition API.  We're thrilled to share exciting news to the Vue and Nuxt Community! Evan You, the visionary creator behind Vue.js, is set to make a special appearance at Nuxt Nation 2023. Get ready to dive into all things Nuxt.js and web development on October 18th, 2023 to October 19th, 2023! Join 20,000 fellow Nuxt & Vue Developers to learn everything Nuxt has to offer in 2023 as you learn and interact with Nuxt Core team members and industry experts. This tutorial will explore WebSockets by building a Vue chat application that provides a seamless and fast user experience, allowing users to communicate with each other in real time. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of WebSockets, exploring its potential by building a real-time chat app with Vue. Eduardo's Q&A session has a new date. Participate in a special Q&A session with Eduardo, the brilliant mind behind Pinia and Vue Router! This is undoubtedly a terrific opportunity if you're a developer or a Vue.js enthusiast hoping to delve further into these amazing libraries. Make sure you mark your calendars on September 26 at 4:00 PM CEST so you don't miss it. Sending emails is a requirement for many web applications, and even static websites. This article provides a solution for sending mails right from your Nuxt app with Nitro and Nuxt-mailer. Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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