Component & API Documentation
Create interactive component docs with Vue Styleguidist and beautiful API docs with apiDoc.
If you want to make it easy for developers to maintain your enterprise application, it's essential that you provide quality documentation, both for your frontend Vue app, and backend API.
There are two modules in this course. Firstly, API Documentation with apiDoc. In this one, you’ll learn how to use doc blocks to document our API source code, indicating to developers the inputs and outputs of requests, the format of the data the can expect, and so on.
We can then configure apiDoc to generate a beautiful documentation site to present all this information.
The second module is Interactive Component Docs with Vue Styleguidist. In this one you’ll learn how to keep your UI consistent as it scales. Similar to the API, we'll begin by documenting our component interfaces, including the props, events, methods and so on which we'll use to automatically generate a documentation site.
But we'll also see how to add live component previews to our docs, so our team can see exactly what our components are intended to look like.