Newsletter Issue #269View and discuss this issue onlineNuxt 3 is getting closer to a stable release. Read the latest news and updates on modules including Nuxt Image. This post covers the author's experience speaking at VueConf including the conference review, advice for speakers, and considerations for future organizers. In this article, we're going to explore why we should use Composition API and how to do it properly. Vue 3 is gaining traction, and sooner than later, every codebase will need to be migrated. It comes with many new paradigms and API changes, but the one that stands out is the Composition API. SponsoredObservability can help you understand your multi-layer applications in depth. Scout APM is coming out with a brand new observability platform in September 2022. Request early access to be one of the first to get key insights into your code. This article explains how to setup DaisyUI, a component library based on Tailwind, with Vue and Vite. How to persist data using local storage and Vue 3. This talk breaks down how unit testing in Vue works and explains how to set up an easy-to-use framework for any Vue app so that your tests most accurately represent how a user would interact with your platform. Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here. P.S. If you enjoyed this issue, show your support by buying me a coffee, or if you’d like to support me to create the newsletter ongoingly, you can make a pledge through Patreon. P.P.S. Continue the conversation with Vue.js Developers on social media: |
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